Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Philippines in My Mind

I want to offer this article to my fellow Filipinos and those who believe in the Philippines as a haven of  wonderful people who can bring you happiness and comfort whenever you feel you need it the most.

As a matter of fact, Philippines is an archipelago composed of 7,107 islands abound with nature's wealth. This is the chosen land from the Far East that provides light to the world.

Like any other country, be it gigantic as China or as small as the Vatican, Philippines is a significant destination. It is rich in tradition and culture, it is full of wonderful people, it is filled with soon to be discovered wonders.

Philippines appears to be in a sad state to the eyes of the common but I tell you this is a nation to be watched out for because there is going to be a great 21st century revolution that will start in this lovely nation. I can see a great repatriation, an unimaginable fusion of people with amazing minds to emigrate here and a dramatic human progress in the next 10 years.

This nation will be a paragon to every country on how to cope with the natural transformation happening in the world. Things will be easier, lighter and happier and more achievable.

Philippines will be the magnet of all the best in this world.

Imagine that happening in your mind now and it is going to happen perfectly.


  1. I applaud your positive thinking and your way of looking at the brighter side. sometimes i pity our country because of what's happening in it but people like you who don't stop to complement our country makes me prouder as a Filipino.

  2. Thanks Erwin,

    This time around people especially Pinoys should get accustomed to being appreciative of what is presented, we cannot change what we see but we can change how we look at things, that is controllable and more beneficial.

    Happy new year!
